ESPREesSO - Efficient Structures and Processes for Reliable Perovskite Solar Modules
3 Anni (inizio Aprile 2018)
€ 610.938,75
ESPResSo is increasing the maturity level of the novel emerging hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite-based solar cell (PSC) technology.
4 Anni (inizio 1 Gennaio 2014)
€ 59.920
Integrate Research Program CHEETAH (Grant Agreement 609788), FP7-ENERGY-2013-IRP. In CHEETAH, all EERA-PV members will, through collaborative R&D activities
SINEAD - SIntering of Nanoparticles onto organic flExible lAyers for Dye solar cells
3 Anni (inizio Luglio 2011)
€ 55.000
The aim of the project SINEAD is to study the capabilities of laser processing for the fabrication and sintering of the TiO2 layer of flexible dye solar cells devices.