Monica Coppola

monica coppola


Monica Coppola


c/o Casale 11
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Viale Pietro Gismondi s.n.c. - 00133 Rome - Italy

Mobile +39 320 7428228
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Monica Coppola was born in Catanzaro on June 10th, 1977.
She graduated in Engineering at the University of Rome "Sapienza".
From January 2008 is working at CHOSE – Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy, under the supervision of prof. Giannini and prof. Di Carlo, as responsible for the external relations, training in Primary and Secondary Schools and promotion of activities of CHOSE.
She works as a teacher and is responsible for external relations within the Second Level Master Course in Photovoltaic Engineering (MIF - Master in Ingegneria del Fotovoltaico).
She cooperates with FREEnergy as President and responsible for the activities of the association.

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