PostDoc fellow
Dept. Electronics Engineering
Univ. of Rome "Tor Vergata"
via del Politecnico 1
00133 Roma (Italy)
Tel: +39 - 06 - 72597781
Fax: +39 - 06 - 2020519
After graduation in Electronic Engineering at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Fabio Sacconi obtained in 2003 the Ph.D. degree in in Electronic Engineering in the same university. His research is mainly focused on numerical simulations of semiconductor devices and in the developing of the multiscale simulation software tool TiberCAD.
Here are some topics of his research activity:
Theoretical study of tunneling properties through SiO2 and high-k oxides MOS structures
Electronic and optical properties of nitride-based nanostructures: nanorod LEDs, quantum dots and quantum wells
Multiscale coupling of tight-binding atomistic models and quantum approaches based on envelope function approximation (EFA) with a Poisson-drift-diffusion scheme for charge and transport calculation in nanodevices